UTS Bahasa Inggris


Name : Shifa Rahmawati

Study Program : Bahasa Inggris Komunikasi

Project Title

Mid-Term Test:

Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning 


2. How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example

3. How can PBLL Influence and improve your writing skill? Give example

4. How can PBLL. Influence and improve your listening skill? Give example

5. How can PBLL Influence and improve your speaking skill? Give example

6. Please give verbal verification about project you edit

7. Please explain about editorial judgment on the project you edit


1.  Publipreneur is a term that refers to individuals who combine public service with an entrepreneurial spirit. Publipreneur based language learning, therefore, involves using entrepreneurial principles to learn a language and make it a part of one's public service. 

In this approach, learners are encouraged to create projects, businesses, or initiatives that involve using the language they are learning to serve the public.

The idea behind publipreneur based language learning is that by using the language to engage with the world and serve others. The Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL) approach has a general goal, which is to improve the understanding of reading, writing, listening, and speaking English in the business field. From this goal, specific objectives are further delineated, such as the ability to argue in written English. This highlights the importance of PBLL, especially for vocational education students in this era.

 2. PBLL has helped me to study concepts on how to solve problems and to develop critical thinking ability when I’m reading. And I also acquired new knowledge and skills that could enhance my reading skills. For example, I began to think critically when I read a book.

3. The  existence of PBLL is very influential in student writing assignments, especially in the publishing department, because students are guided to formulate goals and design experiments to make conclusions. For example, before that I didn't even like to write almost. After I majored in publishing and studied PBLL, it turned out that I had the ability to write.

4. PBLL is particularly influential for facilitating learning and is useful in improving hearing skills. For example learn while watching a movie and take lessons from the movie. I don't get bored.

5. With PBLL, this can help me improve my communication skills with a critical mindset, making me more courageous in expressing my opinion. For example, I find it easy to express my opinion fluently.

6. Verbal communication when editing is when writing, we exchange messages via personal WhatsApp, WhatsApp groups, zoom and interact directly

when editing I am assisted by individuals who are involved in communication such as habits and culture, and my barrier is language so concise words and language are also clearly needed to avoid misunderstandings

7. With PBLL my English speaking skills are starting to get better, because practicing speaking is necessary by adding vocabulary by listening, writing and speaking. For example i was took part in a speech contest in junior high school and became the queen of language, where election id made by selecting througha 2-minute speech  anyone who writes, an editor helps make the final product better. A good editor is more than just a spell checker and grammar police (although they are still important). I think a good editor asks the why question. Why this story? Why should people care? Why are you leading with that? It makes the writer think. an editor is more than just a checkpoint: they have the duty and responsibility to help an organization succeed, a tough job in the highly competitive digital news era. Balancing editorial integrity and business dealings continues to be a work in progress in a drastically changing environment.



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